People are always curious, at least we are, about how a logo is developed. Then why a particular version wins over countless others.

Our logo took us just over a month to finalize. We wanted something at first that incorporated all aspects of we do into it. Well that proved way too busy for a clean look and practicality.


While it certainly expressed everything we do it was too much, too busy and wasn’t fun. So we continued on. We decided that we should concentrate on the amin aspects of what we do, Web Graphics, Printing Folks Arts. With our company broken down into it’s four main elements it was much easier to determine the next step in logo development, and we finally came up with the below new logo.

We graphed it out a bit to detail why we choose certain elements, their meanings and colors.card-logo-specs

We hope this illustrates in a very brief way some of the many steps in our logo designing process. Obviously there were many steps not listed here, such as sketches, and sketches, and sketches and then more sketches before we got into digital graphics. But you get the point.

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